

Happy Summer! It is beyond hot here in the bluegrass state, almost unbearable. How are you holding up where you are? I started this post as a fitness motivation post for myself and then quick realized I that I  honestly just needed to ask for motivation from you all. Truth is I find it hard to go to work, go to the gym and come home to work on my other businesses (blog, plant nite, wedding stuff), as well as do household things (cook, clean, laundry). How do you all do it all? How do  you keep it straight? With the wedding being less then 100 days away I guess I am asking for suggestions. What works for you?

Suggestions on:
1.Quick and easy workout routines (30 mins or so)
 2. Daily schedules on household chores (day you do each task and for how long)
3. Business ladies: How do you work a full-time job and run your other businesses?
4. Brides: When you are 100 days out from your wedding what task do you suggest to make sure everything is organized and ready?
I honestly think this post could help many who are in need motivation or ideas. If you have any suggestions bring them on! Also I am speaking my workout into existence with this cute athleisure outfit, shop similar ones below. 

                                                             Photography by Erin Trimble

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