
Kentucky Black Trailblazers Shelby County


Kentucky Black Trailblazers Shelby County, Harlem Hellfighters, Sehelby County Kentucky

Growing up as a young Black girl in Kentucky, I and many other little girls and boys always heard heroic stories of those notable Black women and men that came before us, the ones that allowed us to live the life that we have now.  Honestly there are so many of  these leaders it would take hours to name them all and give them the justice they deserve, but many places in Kentucky are trying. One such place is Shelby County with The Kentucky Black Trailblazers Experience, which showcases select stories of local heroes. These black heroes include:  Whitney M. Young Jr., Elijah P. Marrs, and Harlem Hellfighters. Continue reading “Kentucky Black Trailblazers Shelby County”

The Importance of Adding Desk Work Safety to Health and Safety Strategies

The Importance of Adding Desk Work Safety to Health and Safety Strategies

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the importance of health and safety in the workplace cannot be overstated. Businesses that prioritize health and safety not only enhance productivity but also significantly reduce costs and manage risks more effectively. Moreover, it fosters a culture of care and responsibility, promoting higher employee morale and engagement. 

However, while physical safety measures like fire drills and machinery maintenance are commonly emphasized, desk work safety often gets overlooked.  Continue reading “The Importance of Adding Desk Work Safety to Health and Safety Strategies”

Why Workplace Health & Safety is Important

Why Workplace Health & Safety is Important

As a business leader, you have to do everything possible to ensure that your workers are protected, your business is protected and you understand how you can do all of that without losing money. If you are not on top of workplace health and safety, you’re going to find that you are unable to manage the risks of protecting your workers sensibly. With good health and safety management, you’ll be able to show that you’re a good leader that involves managers, workers, suppliers, contractors and customers in health and safety. Workplace health and safety is also an essential part of the movement to a more sustainable development model. Continue reading “Why Workplace Health & Safety is Important”

How Today’s Professionals are Becoming Savvy Global Investors

How Today’s Professionals are Becoming Savvy Global Investors

Picture this: it’s just another regular day at the office, and there’s your colleague sipping on his third coffee, casually discussing his latest investments in Europe. Meanwhile, your college buddy is lighting up social media with posts about her latest stock market triumphs in Asia. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? How are everyday professionals like you and me turning into savvy global investors without ever stepping foot outside their cities?

Continue reading “How Today’s Professionals are Becoming Savvy Global Investors”

What To Know If You’re Making Packing Order Videos For Social Media

What To Know If You’re Making Packing Order Videos For Social Media

If you’ve been scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, you’ve probably seen those mesmerizing packing order videos. They’re super popular to the point where you’ll probably find them on YouTube as well (such as in those compilation videos). They’re oddly satisfying, right? Well, they’re not just fun to watch – they can be a fantastic way to showcase your products, engage with your audience, and boost your brand’s visibility.  Continue reading “What To Know If You’re Making Packing Order Videos For Social Media”

Improving Your Nonprofit: 4 Tips for Improvement

Improving Your Nonprofit: 4 Tips for Improvement

Running a nonprofit is an excellent way to help others and give back to those who need your help, be it a nonprofit to support vulnerable people in your local community, offering legal support to help animals or make changes to benefit the environment. Helping a cause you are passionate about is never a wasted effort; however, knowing how it is in your nonprofit efficiently to get the best from it and to ensure everything is legal and above board can help you to prolong organization and help your demographics for as long as possible and in the right ways. Continue reading “Improving Your Nonprofit: 4 Tips for Improvement”

What You Need to Know if You’re DIYing Your Destination Wedding Photos

What You Need to Know if You’re DIYing Your Destination Wedding Photos

It’s so exciting getting to have a destination wedding, right? It’s like a little adventurous trip where you’re getting to become a spouse! You get the chance to have unique wedding photos you wouldn’t otherwise have. You get to dream up what spots you’d like to have your photos taken, like in the mountains, a cliff, or even on the beach, but at the same time, you know that the actual ceremony and celebration itself is going to be so unique, too. Well, with that said, if you want to do your own photography, it’s not going to be easy.  Continue reading “What You Need to Know if You’re DIYing Your Destination Wedding Photos”