Do you ever look at others and wonder what apps they use to help them within their business?
Fortunately, several apps and tools are available, helping you to stay ahead of the competition, which is important to the success of any business. Indeed, technology is paving the way for many enterprises, and you can also enjoy the benefits. These effective tools are indispensable in a digital world where apps are the order of the day. Many of these digital resources are for monitoring, creating, and tracking project progress. Others, like the ISNetworld RAVS self-service app, are for safety compliance. So, what do you use?
I know when I first got started the question of “What’s the best thing to use?” constantly came up. So I thought it would be fun to share my favorite tools that I use within my business:
1. Canva Pro – This app is great because it basically allows you to be your own graphic designer. You can do flyers, graphics, workbooks, etc. Great for social media images. You can even design your own logo. Pro Influencer Tip: Works perfect for those gift guides that you see other bloggers doing.
2. Video Apps
–InShot – Lets you edit videos easily. You can speed up or slow down frames, do voice overs, add text, music, etc. This app is great for us novice videographers
– Spark Camera– Just learn about this one from my friend Ashlea (@theblushinfluence) and I think it will be a game changer for video stories. It is an app to make your videos standout. Great for TikTok! It allows you to add videos together and make them one.
3. Editing Apps:
–Afterlight – I use this to lighten and sharpen my pics
–Snapseed– I use this to remove anything in a picture I do not want (example a stain or wrinkle on clothing). This app can also give you that blurred background in your picture.
–Enlight Quickshot– Has amazing presets!
4. Motivation App– Everyone needs a little motivation everyday. The Motivation app sends motivational quotes periodically throughout the day to keep you positive and working toward your goals. You can customize the type of motivation you need (fitness, business, relationship, etc.) and how often each day you receive them. I get ten motivational quotes each day starting at 8am to 10pm.
5. Instagram Stories Templates
– Mojo– Video Story Maker. Great for those visual effects and animated templates. Add your own media and text to make it your style.
– Unfold – This is the app that has the film frames and the ripped paper headings.
Pro Tip: You should diversify your Instagram Stories with different templates. Keeps it interesting and keeps people watching.
6. Asana– A great app to organize task and stay on track. Easy way to delegate your To Do List for yourself and your team. Set dates, create projects to add pictures and files. I literally love this app. My Business Manage & Strategist, @Jennifer.benefiel introduce it to me.
7. Planoly– This app is for influencers and business owners that use Instagram for their business. This app is a game changer. You can literally plan out your Insta post and see what they will look like on your feed. Move them around and make them ascetically pleasing. You can also use this app as an Instagram post scheduler.
Two things I want to focus on learning this year are videography and photography skills to help grow my business and help others grow theirs. Apps can be great for this.
What apps can you not live without for your business and everyday life? And what are you dying to learn for this upcoming new year?
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